Write it out

I feel confident with paint when expressing myself.

With words I get stuck. In this blog post, my goal is to not delete one sentence I write out, I will not try to fix anything, just free flow.

I have been  painting these mini mixed media paintings recently. Its been a great experience because I feel so free when making them. Free to make mistakes. Or what I think are mistakes.

But free, feeling free.

When you feel free you can accomplish anything, in fact you don’t even realize you are accomplishing something because it happens as a natural by-product of feeling free.

So what makes you feel free?

Have you ever been in a relationship that offered freedom? Boundaries are in place and respected yet the freedom between you two is such that you feel alive in your connection. Feeling alive – freedom.

Those who allow you to be freely yourself are the ones you want to be around the most, right? It makes sense.

What about when you are alone? The only one to come up against yourself is the self. Can you allow yourself to just be, and love your being-ness? To me that is freedom, to love yourself as you are.

What about in the world? What freedoms do you have that others do not? Can you do something about it? Will you?

It all starts with you. The more you allow yourself to be free of the limitations caused by x,y,z… the more you can get out in the world to free others.

We are here to help one another and make our lives grand.

So I will start by making more of these paintings. Because feeling free within my being-ness will ripple effect out into the world. Even when I am alone in my studio painting.

I wrote this out and I will admit I deleted one or two sentences to restart. As with anything it’s a practice. But I learned something through this one. Maybe I don’t get as stuck as I think, when I write.


Some writing…(untitled)


How collage is a release